Saturday, August 31, 2019
A denied that the agency merely had a authority to intercept the emails and online communications in united states. Point According to the author, Edward snowmen is a hero. He revealed the information which people deserved to know. He put his career and life at risk. He did not contain any sensitive information which can threaten national securities. He discoursed that senior intelligence officials mislead congress. N. S. A collected the most data of these countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Jordan, India, Egypt.It tracks Americans allies more than terrorists. EVIDENCE Snowmen spent lot of time to go through from surveillance program and the data which collecting around the world. He did not reveal anything that would harm the countries such as identities or military plans. Yes, the evidence is factual which based on something that has actually occurred. When snowmen fled to Hong-Kong and Glenn Greenland who is journalists broke the story how on routinely gather the phone logs of Ameri can, who have no relation to the terrorism.RELIABILITY United Kingdom's Guardian newspaper released secret documents obtained from snowmen an American intelligence body demanding that version release information on a daily basis culled from its American customers activities. The following day, guardian and Washington times released snowman's leaked information on PRISM. Then Author published an article in New Yorker which becomes the source of information and he uploads them to the internet. SCRAP CURRENCY The information was published on jejune, 201 3 in new Yorker RELEVANCEThis information is related to my topic and indented audience is everybody. I have looked at a number of sources. Caddis, j. (201 3, jejune). Why Edward snowmen is a hero. Retrieved from http://WV. Anymore. Com/news/john- caddis/why-Edward-snowmen-is-a-hero AUTHORITY John Caddis is a writer for â€Å"The new Yorker†. He has been writing since 1995. He has had a plenty of different jobs such as a financial commenter for the BBC and a business editor. His background may make his article seems more convictive because his job needs him to think in different perspectives.ACCURACY This information released in New Yorker and it is a secondary source as well. He had lot of evidence and references to support his opinion. For example, he wrote snowmen spent months meticulously analyzing every document. The author is trying to say that snowmen prepared for his action, just upload all secret documents he had incautiously. He was being responsible for what he was doing and he knows what he should do. URL reveal about the source is commercial. PURPOSE The purpose of the information is to inform the public. Article Critique Journal of Business systems governance and ethics looks into different aspect of business ethics. It has different papers which are looking into the issue of organization ethics, human resource management, and relationship between the organization and its environment.It looks into the relationship between corporate ethics and personal ethics and how they impact no the business.  It also looks into  the aspect of professionalism, ethics and the life long learning among ICT professionals.This journal also looks tat negotiation decision support systems and the link between the operations strategy and human resource management for organizations like non-governmental organizations that work in unstable environment.Literature ReviewThis paper by Helen Maddeen-Hallett (2009) looks into the relationship that exists between corporations and is ethical standings in addition to the ethical standing of employees assessed within a framework of eight main dynamics. It argues that there i s a direct correlation between the ethical standards of a corporation and that of its employees because the highest ethical behavior possible for an organization equals the highest standards of its personnel.It shows that companies which behaves ethically are likely to be more profitable compared to those which are believed to be unethically exploiting resources from the public (Brenner, 1992). These organizations develop anti-trust and non-cooperation and have a cost of two and half trillion dollars per year. These organizations are also likely to damage themselves and also damage the dynamics at which they intersect.This paper identifies the main problem to be how it is possible to find ethical personnel that will result to benefit for all the related dynamics. The paper deeply explores the idea of business being a part of the whole scope of personal ethics. It also looks at indicators of ethically minded personnel to generate important information that can be used when hiring especially middle and top management personnel.In the second paper, Agrwal (2009) looks into negotiation theory in line with game theory, psychology, and negotiation analysis. He argues that there is a trend towards Integration Negotiation Theory that brings together these three theories.The paper combines prospect theory and negotiation theory  in order to incorporate the risk associated in negotiations. The paper discuss development of Negotiation Decision Support System (NDSS) which is a information technology tool used in negation theory.Tatnall and Davey (2009) discusses about aspect of professionalism, ethics, and lifelong learning of ICT professionals. The article looks into how ICT professionals have found it necessary to keep on upgrading their skills in line with emerging technology. The article discuses in details what is ICT professionals and what entails risk reduction.Hassin (2009) discusses the link between operation strategy and strategic human resource manag ement for NGOs which operates in unstable environment. The article discusses how HRM need to be proactive and responsible to change in operation environment.RelevanceThe article is relevant to the area is researching. It contains credible literature and the sources used are all credible. The article also discusses in details the subject it is researching.Critical ReviewI find this article most appropriate for the research. It has looked into the subject of research in greater detail and has used credible literature. However, it has not taken in-depth primary research but solely relies on secondary researchConclusionThis journal has covered the areas of research in greater details. It has carefully selected literature to be used in each subtopic and has given enough attention to each topic. It is relevant to the area of research.RecommendationsIn order to make the research more reliable, it is recommended that the article should use primary research since this is considered to be more accurate and reliable compared to secondary data.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Animal Farm: a Communist Manifesto
George Orwell's novel Animal Farm is subtitled â€Å"a Fairy Story†, a label that may make the book seem innocent and appropriate for children and classroom settings. However, the title is misleading. Animal Farm is a work of Communist propaganda. It outlines and even encourages the overthrow of the government, and explains how to set up and maintain a communist state. It portrays government as corrupt and the public as stupid and easily manipulated. Orwell himself wavered between being a socialist and an anarchist.Considering communist China's recent increased aggression, and deteriorating relations between them and the United States, the dangers of this novel must be weighed carefully. It is often taught in schools, despite the fact that it promotes un-American and anti-capitalist views. With today's political tension, do we really want our youth exposed to literature that encourages them to mistrust the government and supports a communist revolution? Animal Farm is indeed c ommunist propaganda. It describes how the animals overthrow the farmer and drive all humans from the farm.The animals create a set of laws, designed to eradicate all hints of humanity; humanity, of course, represents the capitalist government. The animals call each other â€Å"comrade†, a clear reference to communism, and after the revolution the animals are described as being â€Å"happy as they had never conceived it possible to be†(Orwell 46). The novel describes much of the procedure of running a communist state. It includes the organization of committees, and the indoctrination of the public in the form of the sheep.Snowball, one of the two pigs who leads the animals after the revolution, teaches the sheep to repeat the maxim â€Å"Four legs good, two legs bad,†which, he feels, sums up the laws of their new system – completely against humans. Methods of propaganda are also explored. Carrier pigeons are sent to neighboring farms to deliver heroic ta les of the revolution and convert other farms to ‘Animalism' – the domino effect in action. Internal propaganda is the responsibility of a pig named Squealer, whose primary function is to convince the animals that the actions taken by the pigs are for their own good.This is a clear description of how to keep a communist regime in power: as long as the pubic is convinced that all actions are for their own good, they will go along with anything. The public is constantly told that they are doing better than ever before; Squealer always tells the animals that they are producing more food more efficiently than when they were under human rule, no matter what the reality of the situation. The novel portrays government in general in an extremely negative manner, and one that is certainly intended to inspire mistrust and encourage rebellion.The government officials are represented by pigs, and are portrayed as sneaky and greedy, with only their own best interests at heart. They take the best of the food, and live in the farmhouse in luxury. Impressionable minds could take this to mean that all governments are greedy and corrupt, and again encourages rebellion. The public, too, is portrayed in an extremely negative light. The vast majority of the animals, who represent the general public, are not even intelligent enough to learn the alphabet.Most of the public is represented by the sheep, who â€Å"could get no further than the letter A†(Orwell 50). Violence is portrayed as both noble and desirable. In the beginning of the novel, the animals turn on their human keepers and attack them, driving them off the farm. This is portrayed as a noble action, and one to be proud of. It is also promotes violence against the government, and explains that the only way to put a communist regime in place is to eliminate the current government by force.When the humans are driven off the farm a second time in the novel, this time with even more violence than the firs t, the animals are jubilant. They are described as having â€Å"reassembled in the wildest excitement, each recounting his own exploits in the battle at the top of his voice†(Orwell 59). This is not a mere glorification of violence; it is a call for violence against the government, an act that is clearly unlawful. â€Å"Advocacy aimed at promoting the forceful overthrow of the government†¦ an be punished without violating the first amendment†(Choper 139). Religion, too, is portrayed as undesirable in Animal Farm. Religion is represented by a raven named Moses who is described as â€Å"a spy, and a tale-bearer†, and who is hated by the other animals because he â€Å"told tales and did no work†(Orwell 37). Moses is later driven off the farm, much as religion was driven from communist countries. Not only is this factor of the book anti-religious, it also explains to readers that for a communist regime to remain in power, religion must be eliminated.O rwell himself alternated between being an anarchist and a socialist; are the values of a man with no respect for capitalism or democracy views that we want taught to our children in schools (Storgaard 5)? Our schools should be teaching children how to be good Americans, not feeding them communist propaganda in the form of fables. Animal Farm is dangerous and inflammatory. It contains instructions for staging a revolution and putting a communist regime in place, and encourages the overthrow of the government. Young minds should not be exposed to this manner of propaganda in school.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Thinkers In Ancient Greece And In The Enlightenment Education Essay
AbstractionIn the centuries between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment, revolutions irrevocably altered the position quo in many Fieldss. One of the largest beginnings of extremist alteration was found in the instruction system. Whether analysing the methods of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, or Mary Wollstonecraft, the importance of the parts made by each mind is manifested non merely in their several period, but besides in the modern universe. The most of import differences in the instruction systems of the Enlightenment and Ancient Greece lie non in the lessons taught, but in their deductions on pupils and society. The displacements in progressive attitudes held by the minds of these periods, the focal point and importance of humanistic disciplines instruction, and the function of adult females in the schoolroom are the extreme representations of alteration between two of the most radical periods in history.Thinkers in Ancient Greece and in the Enl ightenmentAncient Greek minds Sappho, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are arguably the most outstanding educational revolutionists of the period, and their replies sing inquiries of humanity, citizenship, truth and morality have held influence relevant beyond their old ages ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Murphy argues that Sappho ‘s educational political orientations revolved around cultivating the pupil as a whole while besides functioning as a wise man for immature adult females in order to better their abilities as married womans and Greeks, while Socrates questioned the function of the instructor in inquiring inquiries to develop their pupils ‘ abilities – known as the Socratic Method – and the importance of the morality in the schoolroom ( 2006 ) . Socrates besides argued that the ultimate donee in social instruction was society itself ( Harris, 2009 ) . Influenced by the methods and theories of Sappho and Socrates, Plato and Aristotle developed their ain doctrines ; Plato ‘s political orientations argued that the â€Å" intent of instruction is to assist the pupils to turn and develop their character, †( Murphy, 2006 ) and that instruction is straight correlated and catered to those who will hold power in their state. Aristotle saw instruction as â€Å" enquiry into everything, plus airing of the end point cognition, †particularly when separating between â€Å" right †and â€Å" incorrect †( Harris, 2009 ) . While the minds in Ancient Greece aimed to understand the human encephalon and how to outdo cultivate it, radical heads in the Enlightenment sought to understand the deductions of this cultivation. In a survey sing schools in the Enlightenment conducted by Owens ( 2011 ) , it was found that â€Å" early schools focused on instilling pupils with proper cognition to i ¬?rst be good members of the church, and secondly be good Christian members of their immediate community. †Outstanding minds of the Enlightenment, including Jean Jacques Rousseau, John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft held positions that built upon the Ancient Greek foundation of instruction. Rousseau ‘s purposes, as argued by Jonathan Israel ( 2012 ) , were to guarantee that instruction and nature were in harmoniousness ; he advocated gender segregated instruction under the comprehension that males and females of course learned in different ways. Authority, Rousseau argued, could non be used as a instruction method ; if a kid was taught under a rigorous authorization, they would larn nil but the power of this force ( Zuckerman, 2012 ) . John Locke sought a liberated pupil. Through learning a â€Å" natural equality †( Ruderman & A ; Godwin, 2000 ) , therefore leting him to use his rules in a general manner, Locke opposed political intercession and segregation in instruction while recommending for the modern thought of home-schooling. Mary Wollstonecraft has been hailed as the outstanding â€Å" feminist pedagogue †of the Enlightenment ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Her educational theories included speculations on Locke ‘s doctrine and the Socratic Method ; through recommending equality for adult females in the schoolroom and in society, Wollstonecraft was able to construct her theories around moral individualities of pupils and the deductions of gender on instruction ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The attitudes of minds in Ancient Greece revolved around groking the basic capablenesss of human cognition, while their Enlightenment-based opposite numbers sought the ability to construct upon and use these instructions in order to make an ideal pupil. Assorted theories, such as the Socratic Method or John Locke ‘s â€Å" clean slate †attack to instruction, have been introduced through these minds and their prevalence in the schoolroom is still noteworthy. The displacements between centuries manifest themselves in the sense of â€Å" higher †believing achieved by the philosophers of the Enlightenment ; without Ancient Greek contemplations on character development through instruction, there could be no doctrine sing how best to use and maximise the potency of the head.The Value of an Humanistic disciplines EducationIn a duologue between Ancient Greek philosophers Socrates and Glaucon, in which the virtues and hurts of an humanistic disciplines instruction are de bated, the value of groking poesy or engaging in art, Socrates argues, is good merely for personal growing – there can be small to no benefit for the province ( Of what value is humanistic disciplines instruction? , 2002 ) . Traditional instruction in Ancient Greece necessitated merely a basic comprehension of the humanistic disciplines for male pupils while females were taught chiefly through dance, vocal and poesy ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The end of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle was to accomplish a virtuous pupil through instruction ; merely Sappho aimed to accomplish this virtuousness entirely through demonstrating and learning the humanistic disciplines to her pupils – with the ultimate end of doing them nubile ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The position of the pupil as a animal necessitating to be tamed with cognition left no room for the docile chase of groking the humanistic disciplines. Ancient Greece, though the pinnacle of early progressive thought in the field of instruction, focused more entirely on the cultivation of people who could lend their able heads to society instead than lending their exactness for understanding the humanistic disciplines. Jean-Jacques Rousseau contributed assorted positions on the deductions of learning pupils the humanistic disciplines. He argued that if his co-workers taught scientific disciplines and the humanistic disciplines as a exclusive course of study, â€Å" they would be destroying the state ‘s kids by fixing them for leisure and enjoyment, alternatively of for labor, for luxury alternatively of asceticism, for refinement alternatively of simpleness †( Israel, 2012 ) . Sing the deficiency of humanistic disciplines in Sparta, Rousseau viewed the early metropolis as oppressive to poets, and its abilities to throw out from its walls artists a point of virtuousness ; an inflexible sense of moral virtuousness and instruction could non be intertwined with disingenuous chases if successful teaching method were to be achieved ( 2012 ) . While the Enlightenment was a clip of higher acquisition and diverse thought, the purposes of instruction were to cultivate reasonability in pupils an d give them the tools to successfully oppugn their universe ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Friedrich Froebel advocated the usage of these tools in humanistic disciplines instruction, as he believed kids could heighten larning through hands-on comprehension and develop a autonomous sense of drama and creativeness ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Cultivating the â€Å" whole kid, †it could be argued, included guaranting all of their possible involvements were explored, irrespective of social benefits. The ends of minds in the Enlightenment in mention to instruction frequently overlap ; their methodological analysis of accomplishment, nevertheless, shows obvious contempt or intent for cultivating the disingenuous gustatory sensations of the pupil. The benefits associated with teaching pupils about humanistic disciplines, as argued by Socrates, could be merely personal, or, as argued by Rousseau, largely useless in society. Basically, the deductions of learning pupils about the humanistic disciplines are still considered in modern instruction. Between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment, positions became more polarizing sing the humanistic disciplines, and the development of course of study in both periods reflects these alterations.The Education of WomenThe end of educating adult females in Ancient Greece was chiefly to develop them for a life of matrimony and family responsibilities. Women ‘s schools, such as that of Sappho, existed merely to heighten pupils ‘ abiliti es to execute undertakings in the place sphere ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Even within Sappho ‘s school, non all adult females were equal in their lowered position ; Sappho taught adult females about appropriate behaviors and appropriate frock, but held obvious disdain for adult females who did non partake in properness. Ingalls ( 1999 ) found that Sappho viewed behavior as the extreme representation of accomplishment, saying that â€Å" a adult female who has wealth without civilization will lend nil worthwhile, nil memorable to her community. †The virtues of a school chiefly covering with the instruction of adult females become overshadowed by the fact that these adult females were viewed merely every bit objects to go mistily civilized and married off to work forces, at which point their lives would go around around maintaining a place and raising kids in order to be ideal representations of society ( Murphy, 2006 ) . During the Enlightenment, the political orientations environing the deductions of gender became more outstanding ; instruction, it was argued, should be based on ability instead than gender ( Murphy, 2006 ) . Rousseau argued that boys entirely should larn practical, â€Å" manfully †accomplishments such as measuring and woodworking, while misss entirely would larn of spinning, run uping and cleaning. This segregation was in concurrency with Rousseau ‘s theory that instruction should fix kids for work ( Israel, 2012 ) . Differences in gender besides served to explicate sensed differences in head. Biology, it was argued, was the ground adult females had â€Å" presence of head, trenchancy, and elusive observations, †yet these accomplishments were non suited in practical facets of life, and should be utilized largely in developing feminine functions of female parents and married womans ( Sobe, 2012 ) . Mary Wollstonecraft, one of the first women's rightist pedagogu es, argued against the sensed restrictions of sex ; by actively disapproving of traditionally â€Å" female †chases such as usage of cosmetics and unreal idiosyncrasies, Wollstonecraft was able to run for the release of the female pupil in the schoolroom and in society ( Murphy, 2006 ) . The deductions of gender in the schoolroom in both Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment played of import functions in the construct of instruction and equality. Womans in society – as pupils, kids, female parents or married womans – faced segregation based on their sex and their sensed inability to execute the same undertakings as their male opposite numbers. In Ancient Greece, the construct of feminist intercession was to farther segregate adult females pupils in order to learn them properness through stringency and the humanistic disciplines. The Enlightenment, though immensely improved in the rights of worlds, played host to revolutionary ideas sing the instruction and capablenesss of females, in so far as that their abilities may fit those of work forces. The growing in instruction systems following each period is representative of the changes in social focal point and an obvious illustration of the difference between Ancient Greece and the Enlightenment.DecisionTho ugh centuries apart, both Ancient Greece the Enlightenment are vastly brooding of non merely each other, but modern society. The foundations for instruction discovered and built upon in Ancient Greek society served as the basis for gestating and overhauling instruction during the Enlightenment. The differences and similarities of attitudes held by radical minds of each clip period, the virtues and hurts of an arts instruction and the deductions of adult females in instruction service as representatives of some of the greatest displacements between the periods. Contributions of these clip periods hold unreplaceable value and obvious deductions on the instruction systems of today ; groking the huge differences of these two radical clip periods gives a great trade of penetration sing perceived values of instruction and the patterned advance of cognition within society.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Managing performance through training and development Essay
Managing performance through training and development - Essay Example The lectures indicate that there are numerous applicants received by employers for a single vacancy and work experience programmes for students and recent graduates number about 10,000 positions. Other employers are also offering industrial placements for graduates. Employers also prefer graduates with previous work experiences. Based on the above considerations, it is therefore important for me to undertake measures in order to improve my employability. I have yet to gain entry into the student and graduate training programmes or into the industrial placements for graduates. I believe that by gaining some experience and training, I can make myself stand out among the numerous applicants and thereby gain desirable employment. I understand that as early as now, as a student, I can already establish a reputation and a portfolio or profile which can later enhance my future employability. I need to first establish what I would like to be known for as a student, how wide my networks be, w hat I would like to achieve, and who will speak well of me. As a student, these are aspects of my academic life which would be formulated whether or not I would consciously seek to characterize these aspects. In effect, these elements would be the foundation for my employability. 2. Theoretical basis of the module In evaluating the various theories of the module, I noted that how I would perform in enhancing my employability is based on what I would say or do or what I would present; it is also based on the thinking and judgment of the employers I would like to impress. The theoretical basis of this module is basically the underpinning knowledge and understanding which would help me gain success in further enhancing my employability (theory). I believe that the career theory would help me first establish my personal assessment of what I would like to be, as well as settle other issues like where, when, where, who, why, and how I would like my employment chances to turn out (career t heory). The career theory also acknowledges the fact that careers go through cycles from their start-up, to their growth, then their settlement, their diversification, and their reduction (organisational cycles). There is also a right fit needed for a career to work. In order to enhance my employability, I would have to find the right fit for my skills, knowledge, goals, and interests (career fit). In applying the theories involved in enhancing my employability, I would be able to also understand that the career I would choose would have to match my requirements or needs and that my capabilities would also have to match the requirements of organizations (work adjustment theory). The vocational theory would also provide support and basis in enhancing my employability. The vocational theory is used in classifying individuals and jobs into vocational personalities (self-concept). This theory also provides tools and techniques in order to assist individuals into their distinctive identi ties and vocational personalities (vocational theory). In order to improve my employability, I would need to develop a set of skills and an identity which recruiters can use in order to easily identify my career fit and how I would fit into their own company requirements. 3. Management simulations Management simulations include the application of teamwork. Most businesses have a wide range of functions including marketing, logistics, operations, human resources, and
Argument Analysis of a Modest Proposal Personal Statement
Argument Analysis of a Modest Proposal - Personal Statement Example First of all, one needs to emphasize the importance of satire as a major genre of the text. It is not necessary to read other pamphlets of that period in order to understand that Jonathan Swift does nothing, but making fun of similar pamphlets and proposals. It is obvious that Swift does not really want people to sell children as food, but he dares to use such an outrageous concept in order to attract public’s attention and make himself heard. To my point of view, this approach works pretty well. There are grounds to assume that a seriously written pamphlet emphasizing the importance of funding solutions for economic and social crises would never become a subject of such heated discussions. Thus, at least one objective, which is to attract public's attention, was successfully achieved by the author. Second of all, Jonathan uses standard rhetoric approaches in order to be heard. He, thus, apply to ethos, logos, and pathos, in order to persuade people with different beliefs and convictions. As for his appealing to ethos, one can notice how many times Jonathan mentions ‘a very knowing American’ that can be considered an expert of a discussed issue. By doing this, the author makes an attempt to convince those who tend to rely on professional opinion instead of composing its own. Of course, satiric nature of the pamphlet does not allow us to consider this reference seriously. One must admit that Swift should be appraised for his mastership in this field.Â
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing questions x 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing questions x 2 - Essay Example The manager must try to keep his services memorable to his customers each time he provides it. Though there are no direct considerable benefits from intangible services, manager must give priority to this process as it helps him/her to circulate the brand name. Inseparability of services means the services cannot be separated from the persons or sources that provide them. This feature helps the marketer to maintain a good relationship with his /her customers. Since the services are inseparable from the provider, the manager or his staff should be pleasant and polite enough while providing their services in order to ensure good service experience to the customers. Variability or heterogeneity of services is another important tool to anchor a firm’s sustainability in market. It means services are variable on the ground of individuality of service providers and service delivery time. The customers always like to get the most efficient and consistent service whenever they require it. Hence, in order to meet customers’ needs, managers have to develop well-organized selection and training programs for their staffs. The marketer can also arrange a ‘customer satisfaction monitoring system’ which would help him/her to assess the effects of the services provided. ‘Peishability of services’ also have considerable significance in the development and execution of marketing plans. Perishability of services means, the service is decayed quickly or cannot be stored as it is intangible. In order to overcome the perishability of services, managers must try to maintain a balance between the demand and supply of their com modities (Fisher, Pride and Miller 32-33). The characteristics discussed above can be explained with an example of a service experience I have had as a customer. Once I visited a car showroom to get detailed
Monday, August 26, 2019
Emergency Response Effort Directed To a Major Aircraft Mishap Research Paper
Emergency Response Effort Directed To a Major Aircraft Mishap (Aircraft Crash and Emergency Management) - Research Paper Example The Sioux Airport after recognizing the situation informed the entire rescue agencies to reach the place immediately where flight had landed. Following the crash, the rescue members had performed effectively to save the passengers. The fire fighters had performed efficiently to fight the disaster. Despite huge challenges, the emergency plan was operated in an effective manner as the airport emergency facility had already planned to combat if there was any occurrence of disaster. 1.0 Introduction United Airlines Flight 232 had left for Chicago on 19 July of 1989. The three hydraulic systems of the airplane had failed to operate after covering a certain distance. Sudden explosion had occurred which had shook the entire airplane. Finally, it was determined that one of the engines of the flight had failed. Due to the imbalance of such parts of the airplane, disaster occurred (Bibel, 2008). In this study, entire events that had taken place before and after the crash have been discussed. The role of emergency plan and that of the firefighter during the incident of the crash have been included. The problems that were faced by the rescuers during rescue are identified. The processes and the steps have been determined that had been adopted and implemented by emergency plan throughout the rescue process. The role of fighters in extinguishing the fire and the way they rescued the passengers is included. The paper also explains the role of emergency rescue in improving the rescue process of the passengers. 2.0 Events Leading To Before and After Wreck United Airlines Flight 232 had no problem in its ‘tail mounted engine’. It was checked properly one year before the crash. However, on 19 July, 1989, a sudden problem raised in that part of the airplane causing catastrophic failure due to prolonged exhaustion pressure. A sound of crash was heard from the mounted en gine of aircraft’s tail. At that time, a failure had occurred in the engine fan assembly which had broken the fan blades into sharp pieces and sent the parts of the engine by means of right horizontal stabilizer. Crew at that moment identified that the hydraulic system that controls the aircraft was out of control. The captain tried to land the flight immediately at the nearest airport named as Sioux City Gateway Airport (Conroy, 2005). The first as well as second hydraulic systems were split with the first outburst of engine. The gashes of the hydraulic lines as well as missing parts of the systems lost pressure and hydraulic fluid entered in the entire systems. After the explosion had taken place the hydraulic fluid had totally drained out (NASA, 2008). In-flight emergency, after receiving information about the flight, sent five ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting) vehicles. The vehicles determined that the aircraft could not reach the airport and might crash. It was re cognized that aircraft might land on runway 31 and as a result ARFF vehicles took their positions in
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Market Competitiveness for SOEs in China Essay
Market Competitiveness for SOEs in China - Essay Example However, in spite of its attractions and potential, Western businesses are still apprehensive about the business environment in China. Its huge population has resulted in unique problems for China. Thus, the government has had to adopt a very cautious approach to guide the country towards its future. One such assiduous yet formidable step towards reassuring the world community about the intentions of Chinese government is the Reforming of the ‘State Owned Enterprises’ (SOE). Despite China’s future potential, there are still some strict regulations, political interference, guanxi (a need for relationships to operate in the market) and low disposable incomes of the Chinese consumers. Hence, China’s recently opened market presents both challenges as well as opportunities for the foreign businesses. This dissertation examines the status of SOEs and recommends some positive steps to make these enterprises more competitive. Further, the author analyzes the effect of the removal of the excessive state cover over the business enterprises which pave the way for a competitive environment in China. Industries that provide better employment opportunities for the people and a reliable source of income for the poor have been established to reduce poverty and to achieve equitable and sustainable development. Therefore, it is imperative that the growth of labour-intensive industries be a central theme of development economics and policies. The proponents of liberalization and globalization claim that globalization has granted access to newer vistas of trade and business all around the globe. Interestingly, several theorists believe that the launching of these economies have tilted the balance in favour of market forces. This is no doubt helping the consumer by way of providing quality at reasonable prices but at the same time the profit motive is leading to some aberrations where the welfare measures
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Globalization and Anti-Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Globalization and Anti-Globalization - Essay Example In its ambit, it includes the conception and development of statutory and institutional frameworks that should be able to capture and manifest the quintessence of what is meant by globalization. Globalization is a phenomenon that is not only expected to redefine the political and business priorities throughout the world, but is also expected to lead to a forging of the novel alliances amongst nations that are sans boundaries, cultural limitations and narrow visions (Zeiler: 4). At least this is what the champions of globalization prefer to maintain. The reactions manifested by the individuals and interest groups towards globalization can broadly be classified under three categories that is one who avidly support globalization, others who denounce globalization and the third who prefer to be fence sitters or to be apathetic. However, considering the unprecedented levels of importance of the issue under consideration, it raises many issues that sometimes border on the verge of conflict or contention. There is nothing wrong with it considering the fact that any major change in any vibrant society aught to be accompanied by much intense soul searching and pragmatic catechism. The supporters of globalization declare it to be a complex and synergistic process that is expected to bring in vast amounts of investments, expertise, technological know how and international backing to the third world nations (Anshuman 2006: 11). It is boasted to be a panacea that is expected to cure all the ills prevalent in the third world. Positively thinking, it may turn out to be so. However, on the other side there also exist a parallel and staunch anti-globalization lobby that is an amalgamation of many loose knit and scattered groups that owe allegiance to a plethora of race, gender, ethnicity and labour oriented issues (Epstein 2001: 3). Realistically speaking, globalization is a gargantuan phenomenon that happens to be much larger then individuals and groups. It is impossible for a ny individual or isolated group to grasp the implications of globalization at one go. Hence it becomes imperative to bite and digest this phenomenon in bits and pieces so as to get hold of its full potential. Despite all the aversions to this narrow approach, this calls for taking sides. Infact this is what this paper intends to do. 'The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and analyse globalization from the vantage point of an underdog and to interpret the possible implications and interpretation of globalization as an extension and perpetuation of the colonialist tendencies of the yore.'As already said that the paramount issue of globalization raises many throbbing issues and questions, it will be worthwhile to take a stock of these queries to get some insight into them. Will the advent and proliferation of globalization will give way to an internationally dominant class that will be in a position to perpetually exploit the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Importance of motivation on the workforce Case Study
Importance of motivation on the workforce - Case Study Example Importance of motivation on the workforce Experts are always on the lookout on how to optimize the productivity of people on how to make them perform well because the competitiveness of a business organization depends on its greatest asset – its workforce. This question is not only to satisfy a certain curiosity in a business organisation but in fact has economic relevance because a workforce with high morale has a higher output and productivity. This paper would venture into the various theories and approaches to enhance workforce morale from the classical theorists such as Taylor until present perspective on workforce morale. In any business enterprise, the human resource are always considered as the most important asset. Their performance can spell a difference between a business’ failure or success especially in today’s very competitive environment (Guld 2007). Business organisations with a committed and motivated workforce does not only have higher productivity but also ensure the viability of the business in the long-run. Such, it is critical that businesses should motivate its workforce not only for them to commit and perform but also to keep them in the organisation. Keeping valuable employees motivated in an organisation is not only intended to make them commit and perform but also to keep them over the long haul (Frasch 2010). There are many implements used by business organisations to motivate their employees. ... Several business organisations even went as far as integrating play with work not only to keep their employees committed and productive, but also to induce creativity in the workplace which proved to be beneficial to a company’s diversification drive such as the case of Google (Lovewell 2005). III. Motivation theories and examples The idea of the necessity to motivate employees to encourage commitment and performance among employees was first conceived by management classical theorists such as Taylor, Maslow, Mayo, McGregor, Vroom and Herzberg. While modern management and organisational theorists will argue that their concepts of motivating employees to commit and perform are inadequate, it cannot be denied that these classical theorists provided the basic building blocks of the know-how to motivate employees. From a simple idea of Taylor that adequate remuneration motivates employees, it later expanded to include the other dimension of human needs and aspects with the aim of fulfilling these needs that would enable employees to commit to the organisation.. The classical theorists of motivation a. Frederick Winslow Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management Taylor first conceived the idea that workers are mainly motivated solely by wage. He posited that management has to possess the control and knowledge of the methods of production so that it would have a greater control of achieving efficiency in an organisation that includes motivating its workforce (Jaffe 2008). For Taylor, the breaking up functions into small quantifiable tasks is necessary to make the time-piece rate pay possible that will encourage employees to work harder if they can see that they are being paid with more work (Taylor 1911). This theory assumed that employees
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Women and Numbers by Teri Perl Essay Example for Free
Women and Numbers by Teri Perl Essay For many years, society has presented women to be sweet and man to be tough. Many have encouraged sexist depiction of the sexual category. In addition, this has led to typecasts asserting that girls or women are too emotional and too soft for math and science careers. This is a book that presents women biographies from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who had an interest in the mathematics subject and they pursued their interests. Different chapters in this book discuss different mathematical actions. A very simple book for the upper-elementary and middle school grades that brings to life the stories of mathematician women from the 19th and 20th centuries. Each biography is followed by a discovery activity. Example, in one of Mary Booles numerous accomplishments she staggered into the creation of string art; the associated discovery activity shows how students can create their own string art designs. The goal of the editor is commendable: to hearten more girls into mathematics and to ignite interest for the field in all students. The write-ups are a pleasure to read. They each give a very individual and encircling picture of the whole woman as mathematician, teacher, mother, wife, or partner. In each, it exemplifies the path they followed, not just career wise but also personally. The impediments of gender and racial prejudice that some of the women faced in following a mathematical career are brilliantly portrayed. An example is Lenore Blum who was not accepted to MIT for her undergraduate degree because there were only 20 dormitory beds available for women. Ideas from the book Each womans mathematical contributions are explained in a language that are easily understandable by a high school or college student interested in what a mathematics career may be like. The three things that all these women had that they excelled in is research, teaching, and service. Research They explored different teaching methods that would be easier to understand and make mathematical solving simpler. With this in mind they attracted the female gender to there classrooms who excelled in the mathematics fields. Teaching Most of the women mentioned in this book climbed to positions such as head of department chair and a good number were involved in developing policies for mathematics departments. Majority of them were supporters for women, blacks, minorities of any kind. Unambiguously, one is left with the certainty that women have done, can do, and will continue to do mathematics. Service Though most of the women were very successful they had a common thread running through the stories of these women, which was they doubted themselves. The service they provided as mathematicians was impeccable despite having to deal with family issues, social stigma, and several other factors that were against them as mathematician women. Themes used Since mathematics is a hard subject to grasp, teaching using a thematic method is a great way to cover a range of topics associated to a particular theme. In this book Women and numbers: Lives of Women Mathematicians plus Discovery Activities by Teri Perl, mentions several themes used by the different women mathematicians. Abstract Algebra An example is Emmy who is well known for being an abstract algebraist. Her focus was on differential and algebraic invariants; the theory of mathematical rings; and non-commutative algebra, linear transformations, and commutative number fields. The main goal of this area is to demonstrate that an invariant (terms that remain unvarying under a group of alteration) can be written as the sum of squares of other numbers. It also wants to show that any two invariants remain invariant. Model theory and differential fields In this theme of model theory and differential fields (logic and algebra), is a theory of calculation and convolution over the real numbers, has focuses on amalgamation of seemingly distinct areas. Sine Sonya Kovalevsky developed this theme one night as she was studying under the covers of her blanket, because the father did not approve her interest in algebra and geometry. To make logic of some of the derivations, she alternated a chord for the mysterious sine, and everything made sense for small angles. Controversies in math Arguments over the technique mathematics is taught and presented in textbooks will continue as long as schools and teachers have the aptitude to choose their own curricula and teaching attitude. Although there are many variables that influence the success of a student, the main influence is the teacher. Depending on how well the teacher formulates the method to use on teaching mathematics will depend on how fast the students will grasp the information. In this book, the only controversy that is on the spotlight is the issue of gender and mathematics. Since the beginning of times, the female gender has been considered to be weaker than the male counterpart and it is not different in the mathematics world. Therefore, every theory that the female gender formulated had to be questioned twice and was criticized before it became published. Conclusion The result is a valuable book for and about women in mathematics at a level appropriate for high school and early college students that celebrates the variety present in the community of women mathematicians. My opinion might be biased being that am a woman, but the book presented challenges that women go through when they are treated as minority when it comes to doing certain things. This book was an encouragement to the girls in their time when gender really mattered in the society and girls were considered inferior to the male gender. The high school girls who believed that math was not for the female gender could now relate to the five women and relate to them. In addition, this has been discussed in the book, how the number of girls doing mathematics increased and they all did well despite what society expected of them. The 9 women were a role model to the high school students especially the female gender. References Perl, T,. (1993). Women and Numbers: Lives of Women Mathematicians plus Discovery Activities. San Carlos, CA: Wide World Publishing/Tetra.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Charging Overweight Passengers by the Pound Essay Example for Free
Charging Overweight Passengers by the Pound Essay In the world today, obesity is becoming a serious problem that affects ones life in different situations. One of these situations is flying in the airplane. David Landsel in his article Some Airlines Make Obese Passengers Buy Two seats pointed out that different airlines are taking some policies concerning this issue. However, united airlines are not taking any policies. Southwest and Midwest airlines claimed that overweight passengers should buy an extra seat. If the airplane is not full, and more seats are available, a refund will be returned to the passenger. American airlines put limitations on the services that the airline provides, but passenger is not forced to purchase an extra seat. Air France travelers that suffered from obesity will have the opportunity to buy the extra seat with a 25 percent discount. With these different deals about the fat passengers, there is surely a disagreement about accepting these policies or rejecting them. Obese passengers should buy two airline seats. This is because of several reasons that may be benefit for the obese passengers and the normal weight passengers. So this will help make everyone more comfortable. Some critics claim that obliging obese passengers to buy an extra seat is a ridiculous statement. They should not be penalized for something that they may not be able to deal with. They might have a disease that makes them that way. They argued that this is discrimination to obese people and should not be practiced. But this is not true. Discrimination against someone for something is based on an opinion without objective truth. In this case, it is completely obvious that the passenger is taking up more space than the accommodated seat space. So the argument of the opposing side fails to take into account. Other critics argued that airline tickets are sold per individual not per pound, and people should not be penalized because of their weight. This is a non convincing argument since airlines sell tickets by seat not per person. If someone takes up to two seats, he should have to buy two seats. That is how it is and should be. Obese people sitting in a single seat can become a serious issue. Passenger will seriously squeeze the passengers beside him, leading discomfort and cause a struggle to get out of the seat to the toilet. No one would accept an obese person sitting next to him squishing and taking more than his space for the whole entire flight. It is not fair to the people sitting next to fat travelers who are crushed and uncomfortable for the whole flight. Skinny people will be crowded out by overweight people. Second, airplane seats and seat belts are designed to hold an average weight of 170 pounds, so seat belts fail to restrain heavy passengers. This poses a safety risk for them on the aircraft. Another airline obesity issue is that obese passengers can affect the balance of the airplane by adding more weight. This excess weight requires more work for the plane to move a heavier object which makes the airplane sometimes in a dangerous position. One third argument that supports the statement that obese travelers should buy two airlines seats is that everyone is entitled to hundred percent of the seat for which he paid. Severely, obese people spill over to the next seat that is occupied by the person that purchased the ticket to that seat. Sometimes, fat passengers took up one third to one half of the other passenger seat space. So if any person takes up more than one seat space, he must purchase the additional space he requires. Urging passengers with high body mass to purchase an extra seat is a fair policy that needs to be done by the airlines in order to keep all their flights safe and comfortable for all the passengers. So, obese people must know that airlines are taking these policies to protect them. Deltas Suzan Elliott states that the airline has no plans to implement any policy that discriminates against any of our passengers. This is how all the airlines think about this issue, but the difference is the way they practice these policies and deal with them with regard to the refund and the cost of the extra seat.
Bilingualism in Spanish Education
Bilingualism in Spanish Education Nowadays, bilingual education has become an important issue in Spanish education. Along the years, education has been modified several times by different laws and political ideologies and it is still happening today. I will focus on the Spanish primary schools, specifically in Andalusia, where I would like to study the current situation, considering the law as the main rule to bear in mind when making changes. However, the system has to be adapted to the new needs in education and the methodology teaching. Thus, the legislative frameworks guiding the Spanish education system are the Spanish Constitution (1978), the Organic Act on the right to Education (LODE, 1978), and the Organic Law of Education 2/2006, 3rd May (Ley Organica de Education LOE 2006). Considering that many places are monolingual communities, then it follows that the changes in the education system are being done slowly. Some educational and pedagogical books have mentioned the situation in the past and how to implement advantages in methodology and language learning. But in the case of Spain, as some studies have referred to, the obligation to improve in terms of second language knowledge is mainly due to the demands in the competitive market in the EU. For example, in the book CLIL in Spain Implementation, Results and Teacher Training, David Lasagabaster makes mention of the setting in our education: The fact that Spain finds itself in the penultimate position in the ranking of EU countries in terms of second language knowledge, a figure offered by the latest demolinguistic reports of the continent (Council of Europe 2005; Grin 2002), has wounded the credibility of the educational system and was seen as a real threat to future growth and development (Lasagabaster, 3). That is the most commonly held reason, as researchers suggest in their writings, why the government and authorities started to focus on the promotion of L2 competences as an essential step towards modernization and prosperity. Then, on April 25th, 2005, in Andalusia, the minister for education presented a plan called Plan de Fomento del Plurilinguismo (henceforth the Plan, Junta de Andalucia 2004), the main aim was to provide teachers with useful skills to perform new tasks required of them; in other words, teachers had to adapt to a lot of different functions that are affected in the use of language and methodology, for teacher training in content and language integrated learning. It was of concern to foreign language teachers and teachers in general because of the non-linguistic areas of knowledge, such as natural science, art, physical educationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ As a consequence, a huge investment was made in human and technical resources, teacher training, mobility and the innovation of the curricula design. It allowed around 400 bilingual Primary and Secondary schools to be inaugurated. But it brings an enormous challenge to the teachers, as I mentioned above, due to two main reasons: first, they have to put their English language skills into practice, and second, they have to improve their language level. Another difficulty to be faced is the lack of published textbooks for bilingual schools, so teachers will need the help of the assistant teacher creating the materials and also a large amount of time to prepare the tasks. However, it is also necessary to mention the mobility programs for teachers and students, which facilitate language experiences, teacher training schemes, increased student exchanges, and basically extend adult education and lifelong learning. So far, many initiatives based on the new trends of foreign language teaching have happened; Curriculum Integrado de las Lenguas CIL, was meant to be the first step in the changes planned, and then CLIL (which seems to share the same ideas), led to agreements between foreign organisations and universities to allow exchange visits and the mobility of students and teachers, Teacher Training Centres, study abroad programmesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Most of these regulations were created between 1998 and 2004 at experimental bilingual schools, and were finally set up in all the Andalusian provinces, and consequently, many schools will later join the experience of plurilingual education. Teachers realize that the students have to be responsible for their own learning, they have to be independent learners, and to manage their individual learning needs. Regarding the students learning, an evaluation of CLIL programs in Andalusia was carried out in 2008. There are a lot of benefits in CLIL schemes; Lasagabaster has written in his book about the CLIL program: The potential of CLIL with respect to the goals of plurilingual education has noticeably been taken into account by the educational authorities in Andalusia and the language education policies that have been implemented (159). As far as Im concerned, many studies and academic writings are carried out in this field. All of them have helped to improve and move forward the study of foreign language learning. However, my project will prove that primary education, which is one of the most important phases in students lives, requires changes in schools. Nevertheless, schools have to follow the same pathway, bringing useful skills for students lives, and teaching them how to face a changing world with the right tools. I think CLIL brings the possibility of helping students when learning a second language, but it could be a challenge. 3. Theoretical framework and research methodology Theoretical Framework: 3, 5 pà ¡ginas The aim of this study is to investigate bilingual education in relation to the content and methodology used by teachers when students are learning a foreign language, so after exploring many sources (books, internet, libraryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦), I am going to base my theoretical framework on the use of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). The reason I came up with my decision is because I was exploring some teacher methodologies adopted in schools in the past when teaching a second language. Compared with today, in the past teachers basically used to rely on repetition or imaginary situations in their lessons, which had no relation to real life situations, which would serve as a way to gain the knowledge to communicate in another language. Nonetheless, after years of research on teacher training, other ways of teaching and learning have been shown to be more successful, and I can say that studies in language teaching have achieved breakthroughs in the development of a second language. Indeed, CLIL is an example of this process. We are living in a time of advances and innovation in technology, and this often involves changes in the way we do things. Therefore, integration becomes more important today than the fragmented style practised in previous years, so it is a step forward in our present that brings fusion between categories that might have been divided in the past. As a result, CLIL invites us to the confluence between the learning of content and language. It provokes changes in teachers, as they move away from fragmentation when teaching in separate areas of content and language, which was a situation that arose in the old schools. Therefore, since fusion is a fact, in the present and in the future, the information and communication sectors are integrating technologies due to social demand. CLIL is a useful theory created to help young people to build integrated knowledge and skills for a progressively unified world. A good definition of CLIL can be found in Uncovering CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning in Bilingual and Multilingual Education: In short, CLIL is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. For example, CLIL has involved Malaysian children learning maths and science in English. (Mehisto, 9). We can start to see the world as a product of globalization, where technology is a useful tool to exchange information and knowledge. It also has an impact in the way we teach and on what we teach. Therefore, CLIL is a strategy with the objective of using a language that is not the students native language, as a way of instruction and learning for primary subjects, such as maths, science, art, physical education, musicà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Although it is difficult to combine the language learning with content learning, co-operation and the exchange skills among language and content teachers come to be essential when CLIL is implemented in the classroom. Nevertheless, it has to be accompanied by enough time for class preparation and enough time for the teachers to reach a common agreement on teaching strategies and student activities. Additionally, it is an easy task if we think that the subjects that we are going to deal with have to be updated and students familiar with their use: The learning materials used in CLIL classes are often from current sources such as newspaper articles, books, brochures, web pages or blogs. Students are supported in using these materials. The texts are adapted by cutting information into manageable chunks and adding synonyms or a glossary. (Mehisto, 33) Moreover, once again it is clear that the purpose of language in CLIL is to be considered and used as a tool, rather than as a particular area of study; hence, this new strategy seems to be appropriate considering the rush for changes and the new challenges presented by the world today. Teachers are aware that there will be several changes, and as consequence, the atmosphere in the classroom will help students in their development and comprehension of the subject: Krashens hypothesis on the affective filter states that optimum learning occurs in an environment of high stimulation and low anxiety. According to his theory, the emotional state of the learner acts as a filter. Krashen sees the learners emotional state as an adjustable filter that may pass or impede input needed for acquisition (Rozeta, 3823). As mentioned before, Europe is making changes related to the necessity of learning languages without forgetting the content, and this is one of the reasons why the EU ´s language policy promotes multilingualism, and they promote the interest of every EU citizen in being able to speak at least two foreign languages, which is reflected in schools from an early age. Knowledge of languages is at the heart of a successful Europe. Multilingualism enables communication and understanding, key elements in inspiring Europes many diverse cultures to work together towards common goals. Language teaching is therefore of central importance (Rozeta, 3824). Referring to the acquisition of teaching strategies in CLIL, it is not easy to apply and it requires considerable effort to put it into practice: it demands collaboration among subject teachers and language teachers, as well as a greater range of activities than in a regular class. The materials used have to be well prepared and accurate. In the case of CLIL, it is recommended that the material be compiled by both teachers, so good time management skills are also necessary. It is a fact that CLIL is one of the most effective methods of learning a foreign language, and many places in Spain are still in the process of introducing it in state schools because the process takes more time than in private schools; private schools are more flexible and a new law can be introduced quickly. Interestingly, a study in Andalusia have proven that CLIL students obtain much better results in communicative skills than in the non-CLIL groups in other languages; however, it is still necessary to invest in more research on this subject: However, a preoccupying fact in Andalusia is that there is virtually no existing research on non-CLIL language classrooms and the same with respect to content-subject classrooms. Given the very low ratings for Andalusia in the PISA reports this should be a priority (Bruton, 530). After all these findings on research in education, and specifically in bilingual education, the government has had to compromise and collaborate with the universities, institutions, schools, teachersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ with the aim of investing in teacher training for high-quality education in order to transform CLIL into a reality in all the schools. Research methodology and design: 3,5 paginas Before explaining my choices, I will mention the main differences between qualitative and quantitative methods. The term quantitative refers to the fact that the emphasis is on the amount of data. Therefore, the use of questionnaires as research tools is more common in quantitative research. Interviews and observation, however, are usually thought of as qualitative techniques, since the focus is on the quality of the data, not the quantity. It was best stated by Best and Khan on their well-known work, Research in Education. On the one hand, [q]uantitative research consists of those studies in which the data concerned can be analysed in terms of numbers. On the other hand, [r]esearch can also be qualitative, that is, it can describe events, persons and so forth scientifically without the use of numerical data. Furthermore, [q]uantitative research is based more directly on its original plans and its results are more readily analysed and interpreted, whereas [q]ualitative research is more open and responsive to its subject. As a conlusion, it can be said that [b]oth types of research are valid and useful. They are not mutually exclusive (89-90). The main research tool used in this paper is the interview, which can also be considered a professional conversation (Interviews: An Introduction to qualitative research interviewing. Kvale, 5). In general, the interview can be defined as having a purpose: to obtain descriptions of the world of the interviewee, and to interpret the meaning of the described phenomena. Thus, the use of interviews in research can be seen as something natural: it is a conversation that has a structure and a purpose. It could be produced through spontaneous exchanges of views in everyday conversation, and converted through a careful questioning and listening approach with the aim of obtaining thoroughly tested knowledge. Usually, it is not considered a conversation between equal partners because the researcher normally takes control of the situation. The researcher is in charge of introducing the topic of the interview, and following up on the subjects answers to his or her questions. The conversation has been used as a way of gathering information since ancient times: Socrates already used dialogues to obtain philosophical knowledge from people. In addition, the social sciences that originated in the late 19th century also made use of interviews for research in a systematic way. Ever since, conversations have belonged to the realm of the social sciences, the humanities and philosophy. At this moment, the emphasis on the interview, and on the interpretation of its meanings, practically places interview research within the domain of the humanities. The numerous advances in technical devices, such as portable tape recorders and computer programs, have made it possible to take accurate recordings of interviews, as well as to easily transcribe them. Moreover, the research methodology used in this paper is a qualitative methodology because the data used here is termed soft, which means it is rich in the description of people, places and conversation, and not easily handled by statistical procedures. In this study, I am going to focus my analysis on bilingual education; specifically, on the experiences of two English teachers from two very different environments: one works in a bilingual school and the other works in a Spanish monolingual school. It could be said that qualitative research is also more natural; this is because the researcher frequents the places where the events he or she is interested in occur naturally. Furthermore, the data gathered is supplied by people engaging in their natural behaviour. In addition, I used qualitative research because it is descriptive; in an interview, the data collected is based on the words of the interviewee rather than numbers. When using qualitative methods, researchers are interested in the process, instead of simply the outcome. Here, the participant perspective is essential, and the researcher needs to be interested in how different people make sense of their lives, as well as many other factors, in order to accurately capture their perspectives. The reason I will use a qualitative method is that I think this method is the most suitable one for research in the field of education, which is what I am working on. It is a method that allows us to see and understand events in their proper context. Thus, I will immerse myself in the context, preparing the interview and then interviewing both subjects at their respective schools. This process will be interactive because the people being studied will tell the researcher about their lives. Moreover, the experience will be approached as a whole, not as a series of independent variables, since the goal is to obtain a unified view of the situation. Hence, a qualitative method seems to be the most suitable choice. As mentioned above, I will analyse and transcribe the interviews relating the experiences of two teachers working in very different environments, but both teaching subjects in a foreign language. The aim is to study their answers and compare them, looking at the different methods and programs used. The decision to use an interview is based on the fact that, through their answers and background information, I will evaluate their ideas and compare how bilingual and monolingual schools differ with respect to teaching a second language in primary school. My interview will consist of four questions; my intention is to avoid, as much as possible, questions that can be answered by yes or no (closed questions) because in that case I will not be able to obtain the information needed for the study. I am going to use a semi-structured or open interview; one reason for this is that I have just one chance to meet with the teachers and, in that time, I have to cover all the points and to obtain reliable, comparable, qualitative data. These questions are specifically focused on comparing a bilingual school teacher and a monolingual school teacher; mostly on the use of foreign language when teaching the content, advantages and disadvantages in both cases, and some of the problems that arise in a classroom when the language used is not the native one. The design of the interview is divided into seven stages, according to Kvale (88): Thematizing. Before the interview starts formulate the purpose of the investigation and describe the concept of the topic to be investigated. The why and what should be clarified before the question of how-method is posed. Designing. To design the study in undertaken with regard to obtaining the intended knowledge, before the interviewing starts. Interviewing. Conduct the interview based on an interview guide and with reflective approach to the knowledge. Transcribing. Prepare the interview material for analysis which includes normally a transcription from oral speech to a written text. Analyzing. Decide which method of analysis are appropriate thinking on the purpose and the nature of the interview material. Verifying. . Establish the generalizability, reliability, and validity of the interview findings. Reporting. Communicate the findings of the study and the methods applied in a form that lives up to scientific criteria, takes the ethical aspects of the investigation into consideration, and that results in a readable product. Finally, I have decided on the two chosen teachers because one works in a bilingual school and his native language is English, and the other teacher works in a monolingual school and her native language is Spanish. This will allow me a wider field of work, so that I can analyze as many differences as possible.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
What is Intelligence? Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
What is Intelligence? Intelligence can be defined in many different ways since there are a variety of individual differences. Intelligence to me is the ability to reason and respond quickly yet accurately in all aspects of life, such as physically, emotionally, and mentally. Anyone can define intelligence because it is an open-ended word that has much room for interpretation. Thus my paper is an attempt to find the meaning of human intelligence. There are a couple of scientists who have tried to come up with theories of what makes a human being intelligent. Jean Piaget, a Swiss child psychologist, is well known for his four stages of mental growth theory (1). In the sensorimotor stage, from birth to age 2, the child is concerned with gaining motor control and getting familiar with physical objects. Then from age 2 to 7, the child develops verbal skills, which is called the preoperational stage. In the concrete operational stage the child deals with abstract thinking from age 7 to 12. The final stage called the formal operational stage ends at age 15 and this is when the child learns to reason logically and systematically. (1) Piaget's theory provides a basis for human intelligence by categorizing the major stages in child development and how they contribute to intelligence. Each of these invariant stages has major cognitive skills that must be learned. Knowledge is not merely transmitted verbally but must be constructed and reconstructed by the learner (3). Thus this development involves a few basic steps. The first fundamental process of intellectual growth is the ability to assimilate the new events learned into the preexisting cognitive structures. The second fundamental process is the capability to change those ... ...ists approach in defining human intelligence. I believe that intelligence is the ability to utilize our entire brain, which will most definitely include Gardner's theory but more. Since we only use a small percentage of our brain, I imagine our brains have a lot more forms of intelligence than the ones Gardner proposes as well as more stages of child development than the ones Piaget proposes. As I mentioned before, intelligence is an open-ended word that may never have an agreed upon definition, but we all have our own definition. References: 1)Jean Piaget, Swiss Child Psychologist 2)The Seven Human Intelligences 3)Jean Piaget: Intellectual Development 4)Seven Intelligences
Monday, August 19, 2019
Robert Brownings Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came Essay -- Childe
Robert Browning's Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came Robert Browning's "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" is a poem about torture. Whether Roland is actually in Hell or just trapped in the madness of his mind, his own failure and the way in which he wasted his life will continue to torment him for all eternity. The imagery throughout the poem displays a completely despairing attitude, and several bitter ironies which he cannot escape plague him during his quest. The title "Childe" implies an untested knight, but Roland is already jaded at the beginning of the poem. Reliving his failure, Roland has no reason to have any positive thoughts. Everything he sees is negative and ugly. The grass "[grows] as scant as hair in leprosy," and the oak tree is "gaping at death." The way in which he views Nature is almost Puritanical. It speaks to him peevishly, saying that it is waiting for Judgment Day. To him, the land is sparse and dead because it is being punished, just as he is. Even the river seems to have a life of its own when he describes it. First he ascertains that the...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
SUV’s - Harmful to the Environment and Hazardous to their Owners Healt
SUV’s - Harmful to the Environment and Hazardous to their Owners' Health      Sport utility vehicles, better known as SUV’s, propose a hazard to other drivers on the road as well as their occupants. In addition to being unsafe they are also harmful to the environment. In the past six years SUV’s have become the most popular vehicle on the roads in America and today they account for nearly fifty percent of all new vehicle sales. The annual sales of SUV’s are currently on the rise as lower gas prices sweep across the nation. The combination of the SUV’s hazardous nature and their rising sales makes for a very dangerous situation. Sport Utility Vehicles are harmful to the environment, hazardous to those occupying them, and create a hazard to other drivers on the road.      SUV’s are engineered from the same platforms that are used to create trucks and most of the time they share the same engine and components. Instead of having a bed like a truck, which is very light, they have an enclosed area for more seats or a cargo compartment, which is very heavy. The added weight forces the engine to combust more gas in order to be able to provide adequate power to move the added weight. This is the reason that SUV’s get worse gas mileage than their truck counterparts. Even an SUV that comes with a small engine will get bad gas mileage because it has to struggle and keep the RPM’s high in order to move the vehicle. Higher RPM’s equals more gas consumption. The emissions that SUV’s put...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Obesity and Consumerism in American Culture Essay
America’s obesity and weight management problems have plagued health practitioners for decades. More recently, however, these same problems have been the subject of much interest among social scientists who were compelled to look at obesity as a social and cultural phenomenon. Apparently, obesity among Americans is not only a health problem but a â€Å"growing†social and cultural problem as well, affecting approximately 30 percent of the population. (Seiders & Petty, 2004) Indeed, larger waistlines are becoming the ubiquitous signs of American culture, along with fastfood chains that connote unhealthy eating habits and overeating. Despite the dire health consequences arising from higher cholesterol levels and increased risk to cardiovascular diseases, the majority of America’s citizens keep gaining weight, in what seems to be a drive to make obesity the norm rather than the exception. Unfortunately, the obesity phenomenon is but a symptom of greater problems besetting American society. Freund and Martin (2005) notes that the problem is inextricably linked to patterns of hyperconsumption and unsustainable consumerist attitudes. The authors contend that hyperconsumption is mainly characterized by the compression in space and time while at the same time increasing the intensity in consumption. (p. 4) It thus comes without surprise that McDonald’s supersized meal orders have become synonymous with American consumerism as the fast food culture encourages overeating despite time and space constraints for the consuming public. (Ritzer, 2000) Unhealthy lifestyle choices have therefore come to define the American way of life, centered on unhealthy consumption patterns, lack of activity and exercise, and overexposure to giant food companies’ marketing ploys through the mass media. Generation after generation of Americans are born and raised to become obese individuals, as Pollan (2007) observes that food companies manage to influence the consumption values of even young children through careful advertisement targeting. It is safe to assume that these values and patterns of consumption will be cemented early and have an effect later in these children’s lives. Early conditioning among children of unhealthy, heavily processed, food choices almost insures that these would become part of individual habit that would be difficult to change later on. Clearly, the effects of obesity not only on individuals but on society as a whole should be a cause for concern. Aside from the obvious health-related risks that being overweight poses on individuals such as heart and cardiovascular problems, the indirect costs in terms of financial distress and counterproductivity must be accounted for. Likewise, the effects of weight management problems on the psychosocial well-being and social functioning of individuals cannot be underestimated. Ironically, increasing obesity serves to reinforce consumerist attitudes wherein a burgeoning slimming industry has appeared by taking advantage of America’s growing collective insecurity and poor body image. Desparate to lose weight, Americans are led to more consumption, this time of fad diets and slimming pills that promise miracles and often have serious side effects. Thus, obesity is not only symptomatic of America’s dysfunctional attitude towards consumption. It is a poor reflection on the entire American culture that an increasing majority of its members are seen as lacking in control or having poor eating habits and inadequate nutrition information inspite of the huge sum of money that the government spends for health promotion. Works Cited: Freund, P. & G. Martin (2005). Fast cars/fast foods: Hyperconsumerism and its health and environmental consequences. New Jersey: Montclaire State University. Downloaded on 12/16/07 from Seiders, K. & R.D. Petty (2004). Obesity and the role of food marketing: A policy analysis of issues and remedies. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 23(2): 153-169. Pollan, Michael. The Way We Live Now: You are What You Grow. The New York Times, April 22, 2007. Ritzer, G. (2000). The McDonaldization of Society. California: Pine Forge. Â
Friday, August 16, 2019
Drone Usage in War-Time Tactics Essay
Since the introduction of drones in war, the NY Times claims that the â€Å"CIA have not committed one civilian fatality, while allowing the troop death rate to decrease dramatically.†During the constant bettering of machinery throughout the world, the use of technology has come to a halt when it comes to an unmanned aerial vehicle. Slowly proving to be more reliable than the average pilot, in the years progressing new found respect has been shown by doubting militaries. In a HALE UAV article written by Carlos Reyes he states that â€Å"drones can fly up to 60,000 feet, being able to steadily winds at 15 mph compared to 50 mph winds at 40,000 feet.†(Reyes) and are able to outdo a pilot by almost 10,000 feet, due to the -75 degree weather. Portrayed by the US State Department as drones being useless, the use of drones has relentlessly grown to underestimated levels. A drone is classified as being â€Å"a UAV that is able to be controlled and sustain flight for numerous amounts of time, by a remote control†. The art of flying an attacking airplane remotely has made a strong peace appeal to not only the military but the citizens of the United States as well. By allowing the use of Drones in war time tactics, the innovation through this â€Å"technological leap†will help decrease in civilian deaths as well as increase in terrorist fatalities. Historically, the first ever drone was used in the form of a balloon, back during the American Civil War and was aimed to land in the ammo depot and destroy any ammunition around. While the first ever (shooting) drone used in the military was back in 1960, where its main objective was to destroy. The Russians were proven to be the cause of this revolution. They had shot down a manned spy craft vehicle, without any firearms attached, patrolling the Russian border. Quickly upgrading in technology, showed to be vital in the way war was thought out and conducted. One Subsonic Target created in 1951 and that is still used today, is the Firebee. The USAF (United States Air Force) required a UAV that was a jet powered aerial target that was able to be used from ground – air as well as air – air combat. The primary objective of the Firebee was to â€Å"simulate tactical threats by enemy aircraft and missiles for defense readiness training, air-to-air combat training and the development and evaluation of weapon systems†. This is explaining that these UAV’s were used as test dummies for practice, but also helped better technology of other weapons. Since the beginning of UAV’s, there have been multiple advances not only in the way they are operated but as well in what they are capable of doing. With a variety of drones used now days, they have different classifications. There are ones from Reconnaissance drones (used for battlefield intelligence) to Combatant Drones (that provide attack capabilities in high risk situations). The use of all these various aircraft systems is to work together, to provide air support to the troops on the ground while eliminating the chance of a pilot dying. Using an article from the Chicago Sun-Times states that â€Å"Anwar al-Awlaki was followed by two United States predator drones, who watched him get into his vehicle and soon launched three hellfire missiles that obliterated him, explaining that no American was present during the attack.†(March)These drones are capable of eliminating any target as well as spying on anything for long periods of time. With the use of drones in war i t can ultimately: â€Å"reduce any battle fatigue felt by a pilot, reduce the cost of projecting power, and are able to apply more precise force†(Henning) Opposing the use of drones in war and using manned aircrafts, increases the actuality of killing an opposing target (any civilian) rather than hitting the intended target. Used as the main defense to their view, manned aircraft supporters claim that drones are taking away the number of job in the United States. This proves that the average person is showing to be clueless in the field of technology. While drones do take away a numerous amount of jobs, they also increase the job availability by almost triple what they took out. As stated later in my paper, over 180 people are used to evaluate the departure and return of just one aircraft (drone). These people are paid to oversee, protect, and fix any problems with the flying vehicle. This ultimately creates jobs for people in any fields of work to not only contribute to the use of them, while not only getting paid, but by helping out the United States military in the process. In the debate between the uses of drones, there is one major aspect that challenges drones in war-time tactics. These questions ask, are drones ethical? Drones prove to be ethical in many ways, but one that proves to be of the up most importance is the defense of our nation against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Stated in the CQ Press â€Å"the Obama administration has already carried out at least 101 drone strikes, doubling the amount during Bush’s presidency.†(CQ Press) Many drone supporters argue that â€Å"these strikes are precise, limit collateral damage, as well as save the lives of United States soldiers.†(CQ Press) and a main idea that backs up the ethical use of drones, goes back to the weakening of Al Qaeda and his troops. Since the year 2004, 95 percent of all the killings made by a drone have been of either terrorists or militia. This proves that not only do drones precisely attack the person(s) targeted, but also save the lives of innocent people as well as the lives of United States soldiers. Another ethical issue that should be discussed asks, is the use of drones a technological tipping point in war? Thought to enhance decision makers to â€Å"resort to a policy far sooner than previously†multiple active and retired Air Force veterans state that the â€Å"aircraft brings in more decision-makers, better targeting data and more accurate delivery systems than fighter jets.†(Pincus). For every Predator (a type of drone) flown, there are 180 people there to oversee, protect, and enhance the plane at all times. Also, before any attack is made a â€Å"bug splat†report is read (the impact the missile would have) which helps protect innocent civilians who are in the line of fire. Nothing of this sort can be done with manned vehicles. Throughout this whole time, the person that will ultimately push the button to fire the missile will go through the same pre-mission routine that any Air Force Pilot would. This shows that even if technology is taking over war , the decisions and consequences will still be the same as the one who makes the decisions in a manned vehicle. The main Reconnaissance aerial drone used now is the Global Hawk. This Unmanned Aerial vehicle is used mainly by the United Stated Air Force and as well as the Navy. This drone has the same general concept as the Firebee but is much more technologically advanced. It is able to provide a Synthetic Aperture Rader (SAR) as well as an Electro Infrared (EIR). This SAR uses an antenna signal and its target area to provide a long-term signal. Its main use is on an aircraft of any sort, where it is mounted on, and can flash pulses of radio waves to show the direct location of the object. The EIR is an image that include long times of loitering over any target area and can survey as much as 40,000 sq. /miles a day. This aerial vehicle is the one that patrols the area and looks for enemy militia prior to the appearance of the Predator Drone. The attack drone used in today’s wars is called the Predator Drone. This is as well an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, but one that destroys. Even though the Predator Drone carries cameras and sensors on it for when it is needed to patrol a certain site; it also can carry and fire two â€Å"hellfire†missiles. A hellfire missile is â€Å"one that can be launched from multiple air, sea, or ground platforms. It is the main missile used by the United States Air Force. Since the early 2000’s, the Predator Drone is the dominant UAV used for any offensive operation conducted through the United States. Being one of the most reliable drones, it has seen combat in: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Serbia, Iraq, Yemen and Libya. With the use of Drones bettering our war-time decisions, they also affect the way the United States conducts itself. There are numerous amounts of ways that drones help our society other than in war. From the help of drones fertilizing bigger areas of land in Agriculture, to the use of Weather Balloons to help out in environmental control in Weather Research. As well as finding resources under the sea in Marine Sources, to helping the Coast Guard control the borders in Coast Watch. Even though some of these drones are used to oversee governmental activities, drones will still be used in the Borders to help control crime and help decrease in drug distribution in the United States. By allowing the use of drones in war-time tactics, it allows the death toll for terrorists or other questionable sources to increase, whereas American soldier distribution can be favored in another area of the military. Not only does this â€Å"technology leap†show the major accomplishments that we have had as a country towards drones, but encourages Americans that even better things are to come in the future. Though the drones we use now are a compelling reason to agree with the use of drones in war, the creation of the â€Å"Dragon Eye†and â€Å"Shadow 2000†will help alter your undecided mind. These future inventions are supposed to be able to â€Å"detect nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, see into triple canopy jungles and provide low- cost and reliable communications and data relay across the battlefield. With the major leaps and bounds already achieved by the advancement of technology, shows that only good things are to come in the near future.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
My ordinal day at college Essay
My ordinal day at college is an grave event of my existence. To me it is an memorable day. During my education days I had a looking of college lifespan from my beverage brothers and sisters. I was most peculiarly waiting the day when I would begin my college spirit. I mentation that the college sprightliness would request me a issue being; here restrictions would be few and threat of teachers would be soft. At inalterable the longed for day came in. I was admitted to the Government College of my city. I entered the college premises with new hopes and aspirations. I was glad to see that the college presented a new grasp. It was quite diametric from what I had seen in and around our schooltime. I came crossways galore dishonorable faces. I had whatever real fantastical experiences on the forward day of my college brio. I was befuddled to see students activity inside and exterior games and enjoying receiver programmes during class-hours. There is no regulating of homogenous. I observed that the students are unloosen in their movements. They can do things according to their pick. I institute all the new admitted students in squealing intoxicant. They were all joyful to straighten Mends. I emotional say the college. I was rattling some delighted to see the noble depository of the college where I could find books on real field. The college laboratory overexcited my wonder on the really basic day and I got raring to accomplish experiments there. I noted pile the time-table of’ my categorise from the note {school. Apiece dominate is taught by a special educator. Questions are not asked in the classes. Professors do not reproval the students if they miscarry to, inform their lessons. They but verify the students to be sentient of their responsibilities. The students judge here a homey atmosphere which they need n the refine. For this, they reason painless and prosperous here. Read more: Essay On MY FIRST DAY AT COLLEGE Full Essay
Job Satisfaction Important Factors Assignment
I was appalled when I saw the first set of graphs conducted on the 600 employees, ND that the balance between life and work was so low on the list. Honestly, now that I have a child at home, I chose that as one of my top 5, but If you would have asked me two years ago I probably wouldn't have put that as an important aspect. I obviously chose Job security because no matter what, I want to know that I am Important to the company and that they need me to be there in order for everything to run smoothly, which In turn will almost guarantee that I will always have an available position within that company.The second most important Job aspect to me is the availability for career advancement. I am the type of person that always wants to better herself and to climb right up that corporate ladder. I don't ever want to settle with a position when I know that there is one higher and within my reach and ability if I were to try hard enough, and to complete the tasks necessary to gain that posit ion. So if a company does not have the opportunity for advancement, then it is not the right place for me, and I probably wouldn't even consider working there.Pay is obviously important because it is what make after working hard all day long for the company. It Is also what helps to support my family. As we've all heard â€Å"money makes the world go 'round†. I want to be rewarded for my accomplishments and to know that I am Important by the amount of money I make. The way I see It, the better I am at my job and the harder I work, the more money I make the company, so, why shouldn't I be rewarded for that? The fourth most important aspect to me is benefits.This also would not have been Important before I had a family. As a high school or even young college student, you don't think â€Å"l want to get great benefits when I graduate†. I honestly didn't even know what the word meant until I moved out of my parents house and got a Job on my own. Now that I have a family th ough, the benefits are most definitely an Important aspect of any Job. After reviewing the chart by the SHIRR my results are much more Like theirs than on the website. My numbers 1, 3, 4, and 5 are all located within the top 5 on their chart.My number 2, Career Advancement was not located anywhere on the top of can't, out actually second to last. I Nils contuses me, Decease tenet under two Is compensation and pay, but in order to make more money, you must advance your career. The farther up the corporate ladder you are, the more money you are likely to make. I guess when taking part in the survey people were not thinking about advancing their careers to make more money, but maybe were happy with where they were within their business. It is most definitely possible to get a raise in pay without changing positions and advancing.Everyone has different ways of thinking and maybe other people are not like me. Maybe they do not like change and want to be within the same position for as lo ng as that position is available to them. There is no wrong or right when it comes to people's opinions. I was glad to see that more people polled for Flexibility to balance life and work issues as I believe this is important to anyone who has a family or wishes to have one. I would say that between all three charts Compensation and Benefits have topped them, which proves the saying â€Å"Money Talks†.
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